Friday 27 September 2013


It's that time of year again... the time of year where we celebrated our annual volunteer of the year awards, recognising volunteers who have made a special contribution for various categories over the last sailing season. We would love to share the award categories with you and recognise the winners for their amazing efforts, contributions and support over the past year.

Each year since 2001 AUSTA has awarded personal achievement medallions recognising persons of any age who have shown outstanding personal achievement either on board or in support of the organisation’s vessel.

This year, this prestigious award goes to a volunteer who doesn't let his age get in the way of his amazing contribution to Leeuwin. This person returns time and time again, committing to at least one voyage a month, as a Watch Leader and is loved by all of his trainees and fellow Leeuwin crew. This person is always willing to shuffle his own schedule around, often moving things of priority to put Leeuwin first and can always be relied on to put his hand up when we are short of volunteers. Trainee Watch Leaders are often placed under the guidance of this volunteer, and there are not many current Watch Leaders who have not sailed as a t-dub under his training prior to receiving their watch leader rating. This volunteer’s patience, kindness, knowledge, skills and dedication to young trainees are an absolute asset to the Foundation. Coming straight from the Captain’s mouth – this volunteer’s presence on board any voyage makes the voyage sail that much smoother and makes the Captain happy. 


The second AUSTA medallion goes to a young person aged between 16-23 years who has shown outstanding personal achievement while undertaking a voyage.

This AUSTA medallion recipient is a volunteer always willing to go the extra mile and put in more than what is required of her. She shows hard work, enthusiasm and dedication towards everything she helps out with at Leeuwin and has come to fit right in with the shed boys, though she drops the average age about 50 years. This volunteer has shown great progression this year and worked very hard over many voyages to get her Watch Leader rating. She can always be seen around the ship and shed with a beaming smile and a positive attitude.


This award recognises one red shirt who has volunteered their time on the most number of voyages this sailing season. This volunteer participated in 12 out of 20 voyages this season.


This award recognises a red shirt who has volunteered their time on the most number of short sails this season. This volunteer participated in 36 out of 89 short sails this season.

CAPTAIN’S AWARD – Mitchell Cullen and Barbara Henderson

This year the Captain’s award is an endurance award that is recognising two volunteers for their contribution to the Monkey Mia leg of our voyages. This year two of our red shirts both did the voyage up to Monkey Mia and back, and everything in between. Those voyages can be particularly tough and  these volunteers gave their time to participate in all voyages.



This award recognises a volunteer who encompasses the spirit of what Leeuwin is about. This recipient really is a great example of the Spirit of Leeuwin. She is friendly, willing to teach others, skilled, passionate, dedicated and reliable and has in past been awarded volunteer of the year by the Sail Training Association. 

SPIRIT OF LEEUWIN AWARD (ORGANISATION) -  Woodside and Minderoo Foundation

This award recognises an organisation/ community partner who encompasses the spirit of what Leeuwin is about.

This year, we awarded the Spirit of Leeuwin Award to two organisations whose contributions and support over the year have seen hundreds of young people who would otherwise never have the opportunity available to them, be able to attend a voyage this season. Woodside and the Minderoo Foundation (formerly known as the Australian Children’s Trust) have continued to support us in the form of scholarships. The voyage fare can often be a barrier for many young people to have this life changing experience, so to have the support of Woodside and Minderoo this year has been amazing and both organisations really do encompass the Spirit of Leeuwin – and that is aiming to bring positive difference to the lives of young Western Australians. 


It is not just our major sponsors who have helped us out this year or made a
contribution to helping young people attend a voyage. We would also like to
recognise the following organisations for all of their support over the season in the
form of sponsorship, scholarships , promotion and continuing a partnership sending
local youths on a voyage.
Manjimup APEX club
Shire of Harvey
City of Kwinana
Middle Island Fishing Club
Shire of Dardanup
Lions Club of Leeuwin
Shire of Dandaragan
CRC Network
The City of Gosnells


This award recognises an individual who has made valuable contributions to the smooth running of the office.  He is perhaps a lesser seen volunteer who started with the Foundation over 20 years ago. Since then he has been on several voyages as watch leader, purser and doctor; he is a long term member of the Ultimate Challenge Committee and assesses all trainee voyage medical forms. 


This award was a chance for all of our volunteers to nominate a fellow red shirt. The award recipient is described as being awesome, fun, hardworking, and someone who can be relied upon by her fellow volunteers. She is always willing to lend a hand and has done by being involved in refit, short sails and voyages.


This award goes to one of our red shirts who has excelled at all roles he has taken over the past year. He has been a cooks mate, purser, watch leader and has volunteered in the shed and office. He has not a lot of free time, but always makes time for Leeuwin. He goes above and beyond what is expected and has come to be someone other red shirts go to for his knowledge, wisdom and skills. He is friendly, enthusiastic and  is always wearing a huge smile. 

APPRECIATION AWARDS - Angela Bond, Mike Swan and Ben Dewar


This award recognises one of our newest watch leaders. This person returned after a 3 year break to volunteering on voyages. She was a trainee watch leader and watch leader on a total of 7 voyages, including 4 out or 5 Christ Church voyages.  She has the patience of a saint and is welcome back anytime after she gets back from travelling America.


Thankyou to Gail and Bernie for their contributions and hard work running the Leeuwin social crew this year

These are only a few of our amazing volunteers who keep the ship, shed and shore running so a huge thank you to everyone involved with Leeuwin this year. We couldn't do it without you and are very excited to see old and new faces joining us for the new season starting tomorrow!

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