Tuesday 30 July 2013


It has been a busy few weeks with the arrival and visit of the Dutch tall ships Bark Europa, Oosterschelde and Tecla, and British square rigger STS Lord Nelson

Last weekend crowds of people headed down to the wharf here at Fremantle Ports to pay a visit to the beautiful visiting ships and our own blue barquentine. People lined in front of B, C and D Shed, patiently waiting their turn to hop on deck, with a glimpse into authentic sailing history costing only a gold coin donation. 

This weekend you will have another chance to see these wonderful vessels before they head off on their Batavia expedition to the Abrolhos Islands on Sunday 4th August, returning on the 14th and departing Fremantle for good on the 16th, bound for Adelaide. 

The Dutch ships will be open 10-3pm this Friday 2nd August and 9-2pm this Saturday 3rd August for gold coin donation. If you missed out last time, be sure to pay a visit to Freo this weekend. It is unlikely a fleet of tall ships like this will return for what may be more than a decade. 

The British square rigger STS Lord Nelson will be out of dry dock and also open to the public on the 15th and 16th of August. 

For more information follow this link:

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