Wednesday 26 June 2013


Yesterday was International "Day of the SeaFarers" where the International Maritime Organisation recognised the contribution of all seafarers. 

This year's 'Day of the Seafarers' theme was Faces of the Sea. It aimed to ensure the efforts and sacrifices  made by seafarers all over the world, often in lonely conditions, were recognised by the general public.The IMO asked seafarers to show snapshots of their daily life at sea to give them a voice and share their stories on a global stage through the use of social media platforms.

2013 marks the third year this campaign has run. Although the idea behind the campaign is to publicly recognise and show appreciation for people on the front line and all of the hidden faces and talents behind the scenes of the shipping industry, Leeuwin would like to take this opportunity to recognise and show our appreciation of our own "seafarers."

The Leeuwin crew; permanent, relief and volunteer make many sacrifices all year round to continue to bring our wonderful youth explorer voyage program to Western Australia. While most of us work regular 9-5pm hours and go home to a hot 20 minute shower, internet connection and the company of our friends, family and loved ones - for majority of the year our crew work on our ship at sea with less than 3 minute showers, often out of contact with land, working odd hours a lot of the time in the early hours of the morning, and are away for extended periods of time from their loved ones. So goes the life of a seafarer.

Without our crew and the sacrifices they make, the conditions they endure and the work that they do - Leeuwin would not be able to continue to provide the life-changing experience it has done for 26 years to the  WA youth and those young at heart, in the form of voyages, public sails and day sails. Your work does not go unnoticed and it is as a result of your work the Leeuwin is loved by many and many people's lives are influenced in such a positive light.

So #thankyouseafarers!

Here are some snaps of our very own crew doing what they do...

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